How would you like to mail your offer to 16,899 members within the next few minutes and & see the responses come flowing in?

If you hurry, you can. No more then 5 of these mailings can be send per day to keep the list responsive...

One of the hardest things in marketing is finding quality, targeted traffic to send to your opt-in page or offer. With millions of new sites going live every single day online, it is hard to get your offer noticed through all the noise.

That is one of the main reasons that ViralURL exists, we are here to help you with your online marketing efforts. We do this by helping you protect your affiliate commissions with our link cloaking service, and to drive quality, targeted traffic to your opt-in pages and offers with our System Mailer.

Look at the results Frank Salinas got within 2 hours from mailing to 3,000...

"One mailing, 17 signups... 3 sales. Awesome!"

"I signed up for ViralURL one night and bought the one-time offer. I sent out my mailing that same night to 3,000 random members and had 17 members sign up to my website within 2 hours!

And 3 of the 17 bought my one-time offer! :)

Pretty awesome for just one mailing! I definitely recommend ViralURL for sure!"

Frank Salinas about ViralURL...

Frank Salinas, Owner of InstantAds4.Me

Imagine mailing to 16,899!

We are now very proud to introduce a new form of advertising using ViralURL that will get your offer out to 16,899 members emails! Here is your chance to buy a solo ad mailing credit to every site member that is opted in to our emailing… for one small investment!

There are sites out there that are asking for up to $2,500 for a solo ad to their list, and I personally have paid $500 to get my email sent out to a much less responsive list then ViralURL… but we are not going to ask anywhere near that much!

For a limited time while we test demand, we are charging only $64.97 for three Solo Mailings to our list. At that price you can mail our list almost 3 times for the price of a mailing to other, less responsive lists. How many responses and actions do you think you will get from members seeing your offer over and over?

"One of the most responsive resources..."


I've been waiting for this for AGES... ViralURL is one of the most responsive resources and I get great results from the system mailer. And now I have the chance to mail everybody at a low price!

I am looking forward to using this over and over again, to keep getting powerful results promoting my business.

Thanks Colin and Frank ... keep up the great work for us marketers! You make this so EASY!"

Janet Legere about ViralURL...

Janet Legere, Owner of

This is valued at $599.91 but to make it a total no brainer and almost 'bribe' you to do right by your business, you get all this for a low one-time investment of just $64.97!

Regular Price $599.91. Today $64.97.
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