From: The Desks of Colin Klinkert & Frank Bauer
Date: Saturday, September 28 2024

You are getting ripped off! It is proven that many customers; when they see your affiliate link in the URL bar, replace it with their own, and often even just cut it off! This means, your hard work and marketing costs are being blown with the customer RIPPING you off... Not anymore: protects you and ensures your affiliate links are never exposed!

If you already promote a website, as an affiliate or even your own site, you are leaving money on the table and there is a good chance you are having sales STOLEN from right under your nose!

Marketing is a very tough industry but if done right, is VERY profitable! You ever wonder why some people make huge incomes online whilst others lose money? The ones making the money understand a few simple concepts and have security measures in place.

Let's talk about security. You need to protect your affiliate links. Not doing this one thing could be costing you up to 300% in profit! Studies reveal how the average online marketer should be making 4 times the sales... Put another way you're losing 300% of the commssions you rightfully deserve.

Imagine that your losing campaigns might actually be profitable ones yet you don't know it. performs MANY functions, with the first one being, protecting your commissions!

The SHOCKING truth is that you are getting ripped off! It is proven that many customers; when they see your affiliate link in the URL bar, replace it with their own, and often even just cut it off! This means, your hard work and marketing costs are being blown with the customer RIPPING you off... Not anymore: ViralURL protects you and ensures your affiliate links are never exposed!

Business in ANY industry is all about 'leverage'. Those that have it: WIN, those that don't: lose! The more leverage you have, the more money you are able to make.... ViralURL creates MASSIVE leverage!

Imagine promoting an affiliate product. The user clicks your link, and then navigates away. Worse yet, they buy the product and cut you out of the sale! Not a good way to conduct business.

Now imagine you promote a product cloaked with The user clicks your link and stats get recorded for you. They then see the logo in your 'Viral Widget' and click it. This opens in a new window so they remain on your affiliate page. When they join, they go in your downline! You can now email them, and their referrals and their referrals down 5 levels, every week! They choose to buy your product and, with protection, you get paid!

Wait... There's more! You can leverage the power of this one visitor to receive credits and have your text and banner ad shown on 'Viral Widgets' around the globe! Instead of promoting an ugly affiliate link, you are leveraging the same visitor in many different ways to grow your business virally!

Now you can have a MASSIVE, Viral List - Even if you suck at list building! Using leverage, the list building is done for you! is the secret weapon that will boost your profits 10 fold and crank up the traffic to your site, whilst protecting your affiliate commissions in four easy steps!

If you have any questions about the system we'd love to help you out. Feel free to contact us any time.

To your success,

Colin Klinkert       Frank Bauer
Colin Klinkert
& Frank Bauer

Colin Klinkert
Frank Bauer