Frank Bauer recommends...

"Join the 16,471 Members That Already Earn an Instant Income, Shorten, Track, Cloak And List Build 100% on Autopilot! Get Your Very Own Supercharged ViralURL... FREE!"


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  • Easily cloak, protect, shorten, customize & track your links

    - uncrackable, short, user-friendly, high-converting links!

    Affiliate commissions thieves now have something to fear! Prevent them from stealing your affiliate commissions and get the full rewards of your promotional efforts. Attach a call-to-action to your links and share other people's content (articles, videos, offers, etc.) while driving traffic back to your own content. That's smart traffic generation!

  • Listbuild on auto-pilot

    - build a massive downline virally!

    Build a huge downline with no effort and email it every few days to build a strong relationship with your contacts and promote any offer you want. List building has never been so easy!

  • Advertise your offers to a targeted audience

    - guaranteed traffic increase!

    Advertise your offers with our text and banner ads and even get guaranteed visitors! Boost the quality and quantity of your traffic with our easy-to-use advertising tools and instantly increase your online income.

  • Send broadcast emails to our members

    - cheap, high quality lead generation!

    Receive mailing credits simply by logging into your account daily, getting traffic to your links or referring active members to ViralURL! Optional upgrades to automatically receive between 300 and 2,300 mailing credits extra every day or to email 3,000 to 6,000 fellow marketers every 3 days and generate qualified leads at a very low cost. A must-have for any internet or network marketer!

  • Make huge commissions on upgrades

    - boost your online income!

    Earn above industry-average commissions on upgrade sales and skyrocket your online income! No matter if you promote the system or not, you can earn commissions virally!

Jason, Todd, Kerstin & Faith explain why you should use ViralURL...

What members say about ViralURL...


Protect your affiliate commissions against fraud

You are getting RIPPED off! Your hard work and marketing costs are being blown with customers ripping you off... Not anymore: ViralURL protects you and ensures your affiliate links are never exposed. Stop leaving money on the table!

Share content while driving traffic back to your site

You're missing out on FREE traffic! Everyone likes to share great content, right? Well, you can now take advantage of the power of word-of-mouth and social media by cleverly attaching a call-to-action to the links you share. With our smart traffic generation system, you can share other people's content (articles, videos, offers, etc.) while driving traffic back to your own content.

Marketing is a very tough industry but if done right, is VERY profitable! You ever wonder why some people make huge income online whilst other lose money? The ones making the money understand a few simple concepts and have the right systems in place. When promoting products or sharing content with links shortened, cloaked, protected, tracked and customized with ViralURL, the users clicks the link and stats get recorded for you. They see your call-to-action, click it and are shown any page you want. Also, if they like the system and join ViralURL, they go in your downline! ACT NOW and ensure your affiliate links are never exposed to commission fraud!

Powerful traffic and lead generation tools

ViralURL not only protects your commissions and helps you take advantage of the power of word-of-mouth and social media, but also gives you powerful tools to generate targeted traffic and qualified leads. With our system, it promotes itself and builds your downline on AUTO-PILOT! All you need to do is to use ViralURL for your links. You can email your referrals and their referrals (down from 5 to 7 contact levels deep) every 5 to 7 days!

The advertising and mailing tools will help you generate traffic and leads in no time! Email random members every 1 to 3 days with one of the industry's most powerful system mailer! JOIN NOW before you realize what you're missing out on! It is time to turn your computer into a profit making MACHINE and secure your financial future! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us any time. What are you waiting for? Simply enter your email address to get started!

Thanks For Adding This New Membership Level

AJ Wilson
CEO of

Hey Guys,

Just want to thank you for letting me know about ViralURL.

In a couple of minutes I got the ViralURL system running on Auto-Pilot! Now it's promoting itself, promoting my sites and building my list... oh, AND the $360 Dollars from the ViralURL commissions. Lucky I went GOLD otherwise I would've only made a couple less dollars!

But I gotta be honest with you... getting all those emails was not that cool, so thanks for adding this new membership level and I am sure your members will love it!

Sensational system and I can see it's only going to get BIGGER. Love the new Banner advertising system I can use too! Keep up the great work... and DON'T STOP building this thing.

It's working fantastic for me! Thanks again.


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